Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Section 3: The Journey > Chapter 59: The departures

June 24rd, 2010

Despite Spiderweb's desire to rent a lodge, we've decided to spend the night resting at a dhaba that has conveniently laid out khatia's for all and sundry. For in renting a lodge we would lose time and time we have not. While the three sleep, I guard our belongings hoping that I would get my share of slumber once one awakens. But none do, not until sunrise. I will spend several minutes trying to get them to awaken, often resorting to mercilessly spraying them with water - bottles of which were willingly shared by the owner for he wish we left too.

Motorbreath, Romeomike and I are ready to rumble. Spiderweb continues to lie horizontal despite several requests from each of us. He now claims he has a body ache. Frustrated with his acts the night prior we gladly accept his suggestion to ride ahead. This time round we care not for the man left behind for he has admitted that he cares not for us.

We throttle hard, much harder than I had anticipated. Motorbreath it would seem, prefers that Spiderweb never caught up. With consistent speeds in the three digits, it was unlikely that we would see Spiderweb again. A few hours into the ride though, hunger will catch up with us. We rest for food. Romeomike suggests that we wait a little while longer, to see if Spiderweb catches up. Should we not see him for another hour, we would continue our journey. Until then, he recommends, I get a shut eye. I comply. We will wait a lot longer than an hour but eventually, Spiderweb will catch up and once again we ride together. This time round though Spiderweb suggests that he ride ahead and leave us behind for he expects to give an interview tomorrow, making it critical for him to reach Mumbai by tonight. Happy to get rid of him one way or the other, we accept his request to forge ahead.

But for a while Spiderweb will trail and having being given the responsibility of tailing, I will wait for him. He recommends that I continue riding; I deny the idea stating that so long as he rides with us, I will ensure he remains with the group. It now becomes apparent why Spiderweb trails; he needs fuel. Although his decision to fall back confounds me for he could have just as well refuelled while he was in the lead. The reasons for his decision to fall back will become readily apparent in the moments to come.

For as Spiderweb races off into distance, Motorbreath will announce that he is low on fuel as will Romeomike. We will halt at the next fuel stop. At this point Motorbreath will also announce that he hasn't any money - that Spiderweb had promised to loan him the necessary funds and had then backed down en route stating that he too did not have sufficient funds. This blew my lid for I knew Spiderweb had the necessary funds - I had seen him pull out a big wad of cash just a while ago and I had noticed that he had plenty more to cover not just for two, but for three. I loan Motorbreath the money but I do grumble for it seems irresponsible to travel without back up funds. I will now have to revisit the ATM to grab additional funds.

As minutes turn to miles, we find ourselves within a hundred kilometers from Ahmedabad. We will stop for a pee break. Motorbreath will attempt to squeeze out a few more clicks on his cell phone. In doing so, he will make a disappointing discovery. His tyres have finally given in completely - more specifically the rear - the tyre treads now show through, dangerously vulnerable to shards and shrapnel.  Motorbreath will now demand that we get the tyre be changed. And while he may be justified in his stand, I am now at my wit's end. For it means two things - more time wasted over something that should have been fixed even before we started and more funds spent from my account for Motorbreath carries not a penny with him. Anger turns to sarcasm, for when Motorbreath mentions that perhaps we should enter Ahmedabad city to change the tyre, I suggest he get a complete bike re-modelling done while he's at it. The sarcasm hits home for Motorbreath now flies into a blinded abusive fury as he screams reminding me that he never suggested any such thing, merely that he did not have a choice. Blinded by my own anger I will retort that had he been more responsible with his bike preparations, I would not have had to baby sit his fucking ass throughout the ride, tailing him, ensuring he never fell. He will remind me that he too has been there for me in times of need. Enraged I will exclaim my spills were not due to lack of prep but nature's will.

With rising tempers, Motorbreath will speak no more. He will throttle off and ride off leaving Romeomike and I biting his dust.

This is where it all ends of me. I'm done. I have lost every ounce of ride in me. I wish to ride no more. Not with them in the least. Thankless son of a b#$@%. After all the times I've stood up for him, after all the times I've pulled him through, after all the time I've spent tailing him, ensuring someone's there for him, after all the time I waited on him while Spiderweb disappeared on us, this is the thanks I get. This is the attitude I get. And for what? This isn't my fault. This isn't my fight. This was never my fight. Why must I bear the brunt for his casual attitude towards his steed.

Romeomike and I will throttle up. We will catch up with Motorbreath in no time for he limits his revs for fear of a tyre blowout. With sleep overpowering my now exhausted body, I will turn to Romeomike and explain...

"I'm done Raman. I wanna go home. I don't want to ride with him or for him anymore. I just want to go home now. Will you manage him? I will give you money for the repairs if you need it but I don't want to wait any longer. I cannot ride long. Sleep will catch up with me soon. I need to ride. Will you manage things?"

Romeomike, in his characteristic calm demeanor will say the three words I longed to hear, "I will manage".

No sooner do I hear these words, I rev up. For the first time in days, the R-15 will hit the rev limiter on every gear. I pass Motorbreath, I do not slow down, I do not halt, I do not look in his direction.

I will leave this man behind, for, in my opinion, he does not deserve another beside him. I will subsequently regret this stand, for I know now, "Leave no man behind", knows no exceptions.

[ Note: Motorbreath and I subsequently made amends and he has repaid every penny he has owed me within a week of our return. The above is merely deviant behaviour on both our parts on account of fatigue. Exchanges such as the above were under conditions of extreme physical stress and neither of us was accurate in our behaviour. I admit that it was wrong to leave him at that juncture. ]

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