Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Section 2: The Journey > Chapter 7: Frictionology

May 30

For even in a journey we take together, we follow different motivations. For a single destination may be preceded by distinct paths. For the same path may be tread with different strides. For the same strides may be taken on different ground. For unless we match each other stride for stride, somewhere down this path, on each others foot will we tread.

And a similar fate was sealed for Spiderweb and Motorbreath. For Spiderweb does not do slow. Two digits are a necessary evil to get to three. Speed is as essential as air. Without it, he suffocates. The absence of speed leads to boredom, boredom to sluggishness, sluggishness to mistakes, mistakes to disaster. Or so he reasons...

For Motorbreath cannot follow; his steed broken, beaten down by the sands of time and a mistake - a mistake to leave her wounds unbandaged - a throbbing silencer, a painfully bald tyre. She will ride as hard as she can; but three digits are torture.

For the two shall collide, one accusing the other of wastefully stretching timelines. I believe the exact words were "You are slowing the group down." For the other is unable to verbalize the insanity of the accusation, choosing instead to pace and obscure the hurt behind the veil of smokes. For never the twain shall meet except in pretense.

For the fast shall be furious; leaving us biting his dust, letting us catch up on toll bridges. Catch up we will only to be left biting his dust again, an exercise in frustration and fatigue.

For I remain a bystander in the friction, for now. My steed can outrun them all, but a promise I have made and a promise I will keep. For I shall become the source of friction in the days to come, doing all that I promised I would not do, forgetting I am all of 33 for I behave all of 10. But I'm getting ahead of the story here.

Friction is inconvenient at best; dangerous at worst. But it exists; threatening to jeopardize our odyssey, break our spirits. Succeed it will not. For come rain or shine, we know to do one and one thing alone. We ride on.

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